"Brilliant, semi-aerial...". Ballet has always inspired the great geniuses of art to create unfading masterpieces. And just like Pushkin in a few lines conveyed all his admiration for the grace and beauty of the ballerina, so Degas managed to capture a moment of ballerina hovering on a wave of glory and applause from the public in a static picture.
The Ballet Dancer on the Stage is alone in the focus of the picture, she is caught up in the delight of her art and it seems that she is about to take off on an invisible stream of music and applause. Only a pointe touches the scene and, like an unearthly creature, does not even cast shadows. Without drawing the surrounding details of the interior - coarse planks of the floor or heavy fabric on the wings - the artist deliberately separated the dancer from earthly reality. The ballerinas in the background seemed to stand still in the autumn forest, and the light of the ramp, enveloping it, would receive a soft glow.
The Ballet Class
The Absinthe Drinker